2018년 5월 2일 수요일

【CHEONGDAM U BEAUTY MEDICAL CENTER】Nose Tip Correction:Get the most harmonious nose line in the naturalness!

Nose has many important functions such as olfactory sense, breathing, vocal tone, etc., and also greatly affects person’s image. In order for the facial profile to look natural, from fore head to chin, and the nose in the middle of them must be in harmony. 

The ratio and harmony of the face depends on the bilateral symmetry of the face with the nose in the center, and the overall balance of the face can give your distinct impressions. Because individuals have different aesthetic sense, in order for an accurate result, the know-how’s of specialists with many clinical experiences are needed.

Cheongdam U’s Nose Tip Correction

Asians tend to have blunt nose tip because of less flexibility of cartilage that forms the tip of the nose and thick skin.For natural-looking nose correction, the cartilages inside the nose are tied together and the tip is corrected using the cartilage from the ear.

Recommended for those with long nose but low nose tip; those whoae nose tip is low for the overall height of the nose; those whose tip of the nose is flat due to a hooked nose, and those whose tip of the nose is blunt.

Why Cheongdam U’s Rhinoplasty?

  1. Incisions are made inside the nose, so there is no worry of scars. – Surgeries are performed with minimum incision inside the nose so there are no external scars, and the recovery is fast, enabling the patients to get back to everyday life fast.
  2. Nose tip surgery uses autologous cartilage so there is less risk of side effects. – Patient does not go under general anesthesia so patient can check the shape of the nose right after the surgery. It enables creating the most appropriate shape of the nose that the patient desires.
  3. More natural-looking line can be created. – By using SOFTXIL, which is designed the most properly for Asians, and the ear cartilage, we create a smooth and refined nose bridge.

Plastic surgery is not creating a new individuality but refining and polishing the existing individuality. We at Cheongdam U hope that you will regain confidence through our safe operations system. 

Please come to Cheongdam U and you will have a grateful changing.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and contact us!~

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 :koreatopmedi   微信:gyzhengxing

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