2018년 1월 24일 수요일


Sometimes, out face will be baffled to swelling that maybe affects our first image.  And we can’t find the reason why it’s happen.  Actually, drink too much water, mot enough sleep, eat too much salt etc. will make the face become baffled.
First, drink too much water. Drinking too much water will make you become baffled.  You need to reduce the quantity of water, and eat some diuresis food such as red bean or other beans,

Second, not enough sleep.  If you need to stay up late or all night or the quality of sleeping is not good, it will make you have not enough sleep to become baffled.  You can try to sleep more or improve your quality of sleep such as listen the music which can help you have a better sleep.
Third, eat too much salt.  Eating too much salt will let your face to stay in a swelling time. It is because too much salt will hinder the water sewerage out of our body.  So that we suggest you to eat more light can it can improve it.

Some people like to eat cold food in summer, but it is not good when you still eat cold food in winter.  And also we can’t eat too much watermelon in summer; otherwise your face will become baffled.

On the other hand, some people will have baffled because using the cosmetic is not suitable for them, or may have an allergy with the cosmetic.  So that we need to avoid using the similar or the one you have an allergy.

Hope that this essay can help you, if you have any question, please don’t hesitate and welcome to contact us!

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 :koreatopmedi

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2018년 1월 17일 수요일

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】Expel the annoying eye wrinkles

The corner of the eye is the weakest part in the human; also it will have movement at least one million times daily.  So that the corner of the eyes are the easiest part to produce the wrinkles.


The wrinkles can divide by two types: the dynamic and the static. Obviously, the dynamic one is because of our facial expression, stretching daily to develop to be wrinkles.  On the other hand, the static is because of the year passed by.

The reason that the eyes wrinkles appeared because we lost the elasticity of the skin.  Base on different level of the wrinkles, we can choose different method to eliminate them; such as the surgery of face heave, to inject Hyaluronic Acid and to inject Botox.

Dr. Park, the director of The Bio Plastic Hospital said most of people may choose Botox to eliminate the wrinkles.  In 1989, Botox injection was approved by the FDA in USA and can use in medical treatment of eyes, faces, muscles etc.
The consequent of injected Botox is very good and it can maintain 5-6 months.  And the price of injection is less than doing surgery and laser; also it is safer too.

The side effect of injected Botox is may have some temporary headache but it is not too serious for our body.

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 :koreatopmedi

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koreaaone1@gmail.com    http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/5470318066

2018년 1월 10일 수요일

【CHEONGDAM U BEAUTY MEDICAL CENTER】The Tips Before Having Plastic Surgery

Nowadays, people usually want to against time to reach their target.  But having a plastic surgery cannot to be radical since it maybe becomes a worse result.  Then what kind of things that we need to slow down and think clearly before doing the surgery?
Dr. Yang, the director of the Cheong Dam U Beauty Medical Center said the timing of having the surgery cannot to be radical.  Girls need to avoid the official holiday because the scar surgery need to have enough rest for it to have recovery.  Second, the sufferer before the surgery usually to be very excited or nervous and will ask lots questions such as the result, the finish time, the process etc. when the surgery is still on-going.  It is a huge annoying for the doctors when the surgery is on-going.  We need to understand the doctors and trust them so that can have the best result of the surgery.  Last but not least, the recovery period after the surgery.  We need to have a good take care of the wound with patience. 
If you want to have a plastic surgery, you need to consider very carefully and choose a best plastic hospital/ beauty medical center.  Please come to Cheongdam U and you will have a grateful changing.  If you have other question, please don't hesitate and contact us!

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 :koreatopmedi

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koreaaone1@gmail.com    http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/5470318066

2018년 1월 2일 화요일


There are two main reasons that produce the wrinkles of forehead: first, the outside of the cell is getting older, become unenergetic, the metabolisms of cells are growing un-abundantly; second, the connective tissue is atrophying, it is because of the collagen is decreasing.  Collagen is a very important for us that the make our skin becomes elasticity, if collagen decreases, our skins will without elasticity and the wrinkles will be produce easily.

The wrinkles of neck are the easiest way to exposes the actual age of women, this kind of wrinkles is the most troublesome that can’t cover or wipe.  The anti-wrinkles of neck and face are the most familiar and the demand is very high.
Dr. Park, the director and the Anti-aging expert of The Bio Plastic Hospitals said doing the surgery of anti-wrinkles of neck and face at the same time can have the best effect since if we just did one of them, it will have a strong contrast and can’t have the best result.

The surgery is to cut behind your ears and neck, after divide the skin and the muscles, pulling the skin and muscles and cut the unnecessary part then sews them up.

It is very important for us to having a good management of after surgery.  We need to have cold compress until detumescence after the surgery; also, we can’t smoke and drink alcohol until after 3-4 weeks because it maybe have scar if we smoke and drink alcohol in the recovery time.  On the other hand, we can’t wear glasses or sunglasses within 1 month after the surgery.
If you have any question, please don’t hesitate and contact us for more information.

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 :koreatopmedi

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koreaaone1@gmail.com    http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/5470318066