2018년 1월 24일 수요일


Sometimes, out face will be baffled to swelling that maybe affects our first image.  And we can’t find the reason why it’s happen.  Actually, drink too much water, mot enough sleep, eat too much salt etc. will make the face become baffled.
First, drink too much water. Drinking too much water will make you become baffled.  You need to reduce the quantity of water, and eat some diuresis food such as red bean or other beans,

Second, not enough sleep.  If you need to stay up late or all night or the quality of sleeping is not good, it will make you have not enough sleep to become baffled.  You can try to sleep more or improve your quality of sleep such as listen the music which can help you have a better sleep.
Third, eat too much salt.  Eating too much salt will let your face to stay in a swelling time. It is because too much salt will hinder the water sewerage out of our body.  So that we suggest you to eat more light can it can improve it.

Some people like to eat cold food in summer, but it is not good when you still eat cold food in winter.  And also we can’t eat too much watermelon in summer; otherwise your face will become baffled.

On the other hand, some people will have baffled because using the cosmetic is not suitable for them, or may have an allergy with the cosmetic.  So that we need to avoid using the similar or the one you have an allergy.

Hope that this essay can help you, if you have any question, please don’t hesitate and welcome to contact us!

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