2018년 1월 17일 수요일

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】Expel the annoying eye wrinkles

The corner of the eye is the weakest part in the human; also it will have movement at least one million times daily.  So that the corner of the eyes are the easiest part to produce the wrinkles.


The wrinkles can divide by two types: the dynamic and the static. Obviously, the dynamic one is because of our facial expression, stretching daily to develop to be wrinkles.  On the other hand, the static is because of the year passed by.

The reason that the eyes wrinkles appeared because we lost the elasticity of the skin.  Base on different level of the wrinkles, we can choose different method to eliminate them; such as the surgery of face heave, to inject Hyaluronic Acid and to inject Botox.

Dr. Park, the director of The Bio Plastic Hospital said most of people may choose Botox to eliminate the wrinkles.  In 1989, Botox injection was approved by the FDA in USA and can use in medical treatment of eyes, faces, muscles etc.
The consequent of injected Botox is very good and it can maintain 5-6 months.  And the price of injection is less than doing surgery and laser; also it is safer too.

The side effect of injected Botox is may have some temporary headache but it is not too serious for our body.

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