2018년 4월 3일 화요일

【CHEONGDAM U BEAUTY MEDICAL CENTER】 Does Your Nose Lower Your Facial Beauty?

Many people who pursuit facial beauty find that their wide nose is indeed a big discount to their facial harmonious beauty. Therefore, how to make a wide nose wing more exquisite become an urgent demand for them. The dean of Cheongdam U Beauty Medical Center in South Korea, Dr. Dong-jun Yang said that such situations can be easily solved by alar reduction surgery.

Nasal atrophy surgery is a common item in rhinoplasty surgery. Through surgical methods, a personalized alar reduction plan is designed according to the actual growth situation of the person's nose. The personalized surgical plan makes the person's nose more charming with personal characteristics after the surgery. The CheongdamU's excellent nasal atrophy surgery can produce vary natural surgical effect. After the operation, the whole facial image can show more harmonious beauty~

The common standard of nose beauty:

The perfect alar wing width should be less than or equal to the distance between the inner corners of the eyes on both sides. 

Mostly, the thick or wide nose are congenital. The cause of nose hypertrophy (thick nose) lies in thick skin with more subcutaneous tissue and  hypertrophic cartilage, which demonstrates  outward bulging tendency. In addition, if the nose wing is too wide, it will have a large nostril. which makes the nose look very short and wide, leaving the nose with no sense of three-dimensionality.

Surgical methods:

When the nose is low and slightly wide, only rhinoplasty is needed to achieve a natural reduction of the wide nose wing. However, people with apparently wide-nose wings need to make alar reduction to make the entire nose look smaller and appear three-dimensional. The nasal atrophy in
 CheongdamU is to make a small incision in the nasal cavity, through which the extra soft tissues of the nasal wing will be fixed to improve the nasal alar hypertrophy. Steps in details are shown as follows:

 CheongdamU Plastic Surgery Hospital has superb surgical techniques. The nasal lines are natural and smooth after surgery. Besides,  CheongdamU Plastic Surgery Hospital does not advocate "only the nose", because the nose surgery should at the same time consider the harmony of the entire face.

Please come to Cheongdam U and you will have a grateful changing.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and contact us!

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