2018년 4월 18일 수요일

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】 Lateral Epicanthoplasty: beautiful eyes are the beginning of beautiful confidence

What is the Lateral Epicanthoplasty?

Lateral epicanthoplasty is an upgraded technique from the existing lateral epicanthoplasty, and this surgical procedure is performed in conjunction with vertical elongation or lowering eye slant, which not only elongates the eyes horizontally, but also vertically for much better effect, and there is rarely any recurrence. There are rare swellings or bruises, and slanted eyes can be corrected to change the facial impression more natural and gentle.

For whom it is recommended?
-Sharp facial impression with slanted eyes
-Double eyelid surgery does not create defined eyes
-Eyes look squinted due to less exposure of the white pupil
-Those who want more clear-looking eyes but can’t go through medial epicanthoplasty because the gap between the eyes are close

Surgery procedure:
1. Design:Find the best eyelid line design for the patient
2. Incise the Mongolian fold: Make an incision on the Lateral canthal region according to the design.
3. Incise the surrounding skin and suture: Make incisions on the skin surrounding the Mongolian fold and suture.

Advantages of Dr.Hong’s Lateral Epicanthoplasty

First, it is performed in conjunction with lowering eye slant or vertical elongation, so not only it elongates the horizontal length, it widens the vertical length. 
Second, Dr.Hong's lateral epicanthoplasty performs lateral and anterior epicanthoplasty at the same time to enhance both the horizontal and vertical lengths, correcting the slanted eyes for more natural and gentle facial impression. 
In addition, by correcting fierce-looking outer corners of the eyes for gentle impression. 
Last but not least, there is minimal chance of recurrence with Dr. Hong's advanced technology. 

By the way, from April 28th, 2018, our BIO Plastic Surgery Hospital will move to Sinsa-dong, Dosan-daero 107 SYHE Building (2nd, 3rd and 4th floors). Please make an appointment before visiting the hospital to ensure that you won't miss it~
Welcome to The Bio Plastic Hospital to design a best and the healthiest future~

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