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2018년 4월 18일 수요일

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】 Lateral Epicanthoplasty: beautiful eyes are the beginning of beautiful confidence

What is the Lateral Epicanthoplasty?

Lateral epicanthoplasty is an upgraded technique from the existing lateral epicanthoplasty, and this surgical procedure is performed in conjunction with vertical elongation or lowering eye slant, which not only elongates the eyes horizontally, but also vertically for much better effect, and there is rarely any recurrence. There are rare swellings or bruises, and slanted eyes can be corrected to change the facial impression more natural and gentle.

For whom it is recommended?
-Sharp facial impression with slanted eyes
-Double eyelid surgery does not create defined eyes
-Eyes look squinted due to less exposure of the white pupil
-Those who want more clear-looking eyes but can’t go through medial epicanthoplasty because the gap between the eyes are close

Surgery procedure:
1. Design:Find the best eyelid line design for the patient
2. Incise the Mongolian fold: Make an incision on the Lateral canthal region according to the design.
3. Incise the surrounding skin and suture: Make incisions on the skin surrounding the Mongolian fold and suture.

Advantages of Dr.Hong’s Lateral Epicanthoplasty

First, it is performed in conjunction with lowering eye slant or vertical elongation, so not only it elongates the horizontal length, it widens the vertical length. 
Second, Dr.Hong's lateral epicanthoplasty performs lateral and anterior epicanthoplasty at the same time to enhance both the horizontal and vertical lengths, correcting the slanted eyes for more natural and gentle facial impression. 
In addition, by correcting fierce-looking outer corners of the eyes for gentle impression. 
Last but not least, there is minimal chance of recurrence with Dr. Hong's advanced technology. 

By the way, from April 28th, 2018, our BIO Plastic Surgery Hospital will move to Sinsa-dong, Dosan-daero 107 SYHE Building (2nd, 3rd and 4th floors). Please make an appointment before visiting the hospital to ensure that you won't miss it~
Welcome to The Bio Plastic Hospital to design a best and the healthiest future~

2018년 4월 17일 화요일

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】 Ptosis Surgery: Regenerate Vigor of Your Eyes

Do your upper eyelids start drooping?
Everyone wants big eyes with double eyelids, but for many people who have droopy eyelids, normal eyes become a wish that they can't achieve. Some people are often asked: "What happened to your eyes? why did you look like that you didn't wake up?" The specific manifestation of the upper eyelids drooping is that when the eyes are naturally open, the upper eyelid covers part of the pupils. The eyes are incomplete, small and look slouched. To open your eyes, you must improve the function of levator muscles. Only cutting double eyelids without improving levator muscles is not a solution. 
Korea's plastic surgeon Dr.Hong from BIO plastic hospital conducts great ptosis recovery surgery, reshaping your eyes!

How to tell whether you have droopy eyelids?
 1. The upper eyelids cannot be lifted, and they are hard to blink.
2. Wrinkles occur on the forehead when you look wide open.
3. When you blink your eyes, you have trouble finding your eyebrows.
What are the hazards of ptosis?
1. Endangering vision: it may cause vision loss.
2. Influencing appearance and mentality: the unilateral or bilateral infrapatellars undermine the beauty of the eyes, and it may give people a sense of listlessness.
3. Premature aging of the skin and the formation of head lines: blinking may cause the frontal muscle forced contraction and lead to the formation of a clear head markings.

Dr.Hong ptosis correction surgery
1. Surgical Trauma: Compared with traditional corrective surgery, the wound is small and without traces.
2. Cosmetology effect: Restore the normal palpebral fissure height, and achieve the purpose of beauty.
3. Function recovery: It can maintain normal eyelid opening and closing and smooth movements. 
4. Repeated operation: Reproducible operation is allowed, and the effect is not affected.

By the way, from April 28th, 2018, our BIO Plastic Surgery Hospital will move to Sinsa-dong, Dosan-daero 107 SYHE Building (2nd, 3rd and 4th floors). Please make an appointment before visiting the hospital to ensure that you won't miss it~
Welcome to The Bio Plastic Hospital to design a better and brighter future~

2018년 4월 10일 화요일

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】Lower Blepharoplasty: Hide Your Age!

Importance of the eyes in person’s first impression

  • Eyes not only have the optical functions but can decide the impression of a person when meeting others. Because of that, small changes can bring improvements in first impressions.
  • Many people have different eye shapes according to the overall facial impression, balance, etc., but to have beautiful eyes, the harmony with your face is the most important.

What is Lower Blepharoplasty?

  • Just like the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids become thinner with the age and lose elasticity, so the skin becomes droopy and the surrounding muscles and conjunctiva become loose, causing swollen under-eye or grooves. These issues are solves by removing the skin, and fat and realignment of the fat realigning the fat.

Recommended for

  • Those with around the eyes
  • Those with less elasticity on the skin around the eyes
  • Droopy under-eye skin due to aging
  • Protruding fat causing dark circles

Advantages of Dr. Hong 's Lower Blepharoplasty

  • It removes the fat under the eyes to create gentle impression. – The protruding fat under the eyes make the person look old, so by removing this fat, the facial impression can be improved.
  • There is almost no scar. – Through tiny incisions under the eyes, there are virtually no visible scars.
  • By correcting the saggy skin under the eyes, it alleviates the dark circles. – Dark circles caused by saggy skins can be improved.

Dr. Hong Sung-pyo is one of the most well-received doctors in the Bio Plastic Hospital in Korea. He has worked in more than 30,000 cases of various eye plastic surgeries since his career started from over 30 years ago. He receives a high reputation in the field of international plastic surgery and is known as the “International Eye Plastic Master”.

If you have any questions or concerns about treatment, please don't hesitate and contact us~ 
By the way, our BIO hospital moved to a new place in April. Welcome to our new home near Exit 7 of Sinsha Station in Seoul.

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 koreatopmedi

2018년 3월 29일 목요일

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】Forehead Wrinkle Removal, It Can Be So Easy!

【THE BIO PLASTIC HOSPITAL】Forehead Wrinkle Removal, It Can Be So Easy!

Usually, when people think about removing wrinkles of their face, the first part that comes to many people's mind is to remove their forehead wrinkles.
So what is the forehead wrinkle? And what is the specific surgical procedure for frontal wrinkle removal?  Let's take a closer look in this article~

Why do you have frontal wrinkles?

The essential reason of wrinkles in the forehead lies in the contraction and sluggishness of the forehead muscles, which is broadly covered from top to bottom of the forehead. Generally speaking, the cause of wrinkles is mainly due to the skin aging of the forehead as a person grows older, which makes our skin lack in elasticity. Also the frontal skin may often be pulled due to frowning or other face movements. Gradually, frontal wrinkles will appear without our notice. In addition, constipation, anemia, poor liver function, and impaired physiology may also lead to the forehead skin wrinkles and sagging.

When the forehead begins to wrinkle, the eyelids of the eyebrows will droop because of the muscles around the eyebrows. Generally, the loose skin will produce horizontal deep wrinkles on the forehead, and vertical deep wrinkles between the eyebrows in the meantime. To improve this phenomenon, frontal lift surgery is widely believed as a very effective approach. The most important part of this operation is how to minimize scars and how to maintain the surgery effect for 5-10 years.

What is the specific surgery for frontal wrinkle removal? 

The frontal wrinkle removal surgery starts from the scalp of the ear and extends the incision to the ear in the opposite direction, aiming to pull up the stretched skin and muscles, and meanwhile to remove the excessive skin. The most important thing in this surgery is that the incisions should be carefully sutured and won't open again, and the scars are supposed to be minimized. 

When wrinkles are deep in the eyebrows, the wrinkled muscles need to be peeled off and cut off. If there is no resectable skin on the forehead, you can just eliminate wrinkles in the longitudinal direction of the eyebrows to make your forehead look refreshing. In this case, a unique endoscopic method can be used to perform the surgery. And this method is also a professional local wrinkle removal surgery that has been studied for many years by the dean of the BIO hospital, Dr. Park, who has a lot of clinical experience.

Do  Forehead Wrinkle Surgery in BIO Plastic Surgery Clinic 

BIO Plastic Surgery Clinic has over 20 years medical experience in wrinkle cosmetic plastic surgery. Dr. Park is the director and one of the most professional anti-aging experts of the Bio Plastic Hospital, and his forehead wrinkle removal surgery has been recognized by many patients and becomes one of the most popular partial wrinkle removal surgeries in the hospital.


Dr. Park reminds that there may be complications after plastic surgery (such as bleeding, infection, scars, etc.), thus we ourselves should be carefully take care of it after the surgery. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at any time for more information!

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 koreatopmedi