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2018년 4월 13일 금요일

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】Medial Epicanthoplasty: Give You Bigger and Prettier Eyes

What is Medial Epicanthoplasty?

This surgical procedure performs medial & epicanthoplasty at the same time, which removes the epicanthic fold (Mongolian fold) covered in the inside the eyelid and it can provide answers for those with wide gap between the eyes or small-looking eyes.'

Who is recommended for Epicanthoplasty?

  • Stuffy eyes due to Mongolian folds
  • Wide gap between the eyes
  • Those who want bigger and clear-looking eyes
  • Those who need reoperations

BIO’s Medial Epicanthoplasty

Eyes look more defined, and you can get more natural eyelid line in conjunction with the double eyelid surgery. – By removing the Mongolian fold, the eyes become wider and look clearer, and when performed in conjunction with the double eyelid surgery, they give greater effects to form more natural line.

It adjusts the angle of the eye to make your impression much gentler. – For sharp-looking eyes, the angle of the eyes is adjusted to give gentle impression. In addition, eyes that look wide apart can be corrected. – By removing the Mongolian fold, the gap between the eyes become narrower.

The Bio Plastic Hospital will customize a personal plastic surgery after having a seek advice from doctors, to provide a best method for customer.  Welcome to The Bio Plastic Hospital to design a best and the healthiest future~

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 koreatopmedi

2018년 4월 12일 목요일

【CHEONGDAM U BEAUTY MEDICAL CENTER】Acne Treatment: Say Goodbye to Acne and Pigmentation!

Acne!! You need to know the cause to solve the problem

What is acne?

  • Acne is an inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous unit, which the sebaceous glands that excrete sebum, old skin cells, and germs together cause suppurative reactions or damage the structure of skin.


  • Genetic: Caused by genetically innate skin and metabolism
  • Hormonal: Caused usually by the increased level of male hormone during puberty
  • Environmental: Caused by environmental factors such as stress, sleep deprivation, environment, menstruation, pregnancy, etc.


  • Non-inflamed acne: Whiteheads/ Blackhead
  • Inflamed acne: Papule (Red pimple), Pustule (Zit), Module (Hard pimple), Cyst (Sacs filled with pus), baby acne, Drug-induced acne, etc.

Acne Treatment Program Suggested by CheongdamU Dermatology.

Magic Spicule:
  • This treatment procedure turns the skin smooth and healthy by solving intensified troubles in depth and efficiently increasing skin improvement ability, to take care of troubles and form an immune system to prevent recurrence.

Recommended for:

  • Papule or inflamed acne
  • Excessive excretion of sebum
  • Dry skin with many fine wrinkles

Advantages of Magic Spicule

  1. It can be performed on all skin types such as sensitive, dry, or oily skin.
  2. It improves sebum, dead skin cells, acne, and inflammation.
  3. It is a peeling procedure using natural spicules, so has almost no side effects.
  4. It is also effective on keratosis pilaris, also called goose flesh.

Please come to Cheongdam U and you will have a grateful changing.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and contact us!~

2018년 4월 10일 화요일

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】Lower Blepharoplasty: Hide Your Age!

Importance of the eyes in person’s first impression

  • Eyes not only have the optical functions but can decide the impression of a person when meeting others. Because of that, small changes can bring improvements in first impressions.
  • Many people have different eye shapes according to the overall facial impression, balance, etc., but to have beautiful eyes, the harmony with your face is the most important.

What is Lower Blepharoplasty?

  • Just like the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids become thinner with the age and lose elasticity, so the skin becomes droopy and the surrounding muscles and conjunctiva become loose, causing swollen under-eye or grooves. These issues are solves by removing the skin, and fat and realignment of the fat realigning the fat.

Recommended for

  • Those with around the eyes
  • Those with less elasticity on the skin around the eyes
  • Droopy under-eye skin due to aging
  • Protruding fat causing dark circles

Advantages of Dr. Hong 's Lower Blepharoplasty

  • It removes the fat under the eyes to create gentle impression. – The protruding fat under the eyes make the person look old, so by removing this fat, the facial impression can be improved.
  • There is almost no scar. – Through tiny incisions under the eyes, there are virtually no visible scars.
  • By correcting the saggy skin under the eyes, it alleviates the dark circles. – Dark circles caused by saggy skins can be improved.

Dr. Hong Sung-pyo is one of the most well-received doctors in the Bio Plastic Hospital in Korea. He has worked in more than 30,000 cases of various eye plastic surgeries since his career started from over 30 years ago. He receives a high reputation in the field of international plastic surgery and is known as the “International Eye Plastic Master”.

If you have any questions or concerns about treatment, please don't hesitate and contact us~ 
By the way, our BIO hospital moved to a new place in April. Welcome to our new home near Exit 7 of Sinsha Station in Seoul.

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 koreatopmedi

2018년 3월 29일 목요일

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】Forehead Wrinkle Removal, It Can Be So Easy!

【THE BIO PLASTIC HOSPITAL】Forehead Wrinkle Removal, It Can Be So Easy!

Usually, when people think about removing wrinkles of their face, the first part that comes to many people's mind is to remove their forehead wrinkles.
So what is the forehead wrinkle? And what is the specific surgical procedure for frontal wrinkle removal?  Let's take a closer look in this article~

Why do you have frontal wrinkles?

The essential reason of wrinkles in the forehead lies in the contraction and sluggishness of the forehead muscles, which is broadly covered from top to bottom of the forehead. Generally speaking, the cause of wrinkles is mainly due to the skin aging of the forehead as a person grows older, which makes our skin lack in elasticity. Also the frontal skin may often be pulled due to frowning or other face movements. Gradually, frontal wrinkles will appear without our notice. In addition, constipation, anemia, poor liver function, and impaired physiology may also lead to the forehead skin wrinkles and sagging.

When the forehead begins to wrinkle, the eyelids of the eyebrows will droop because of the muscles around the eyebrows. Generally, the loose skin will produce horizontal deep wrinkles on the forehead, and vertical deep wrinkles between the eyebrows in the meantime. To improve this phenomenon, frontal lift surgery is widely believed as a very effective approach. The most important part of this operation is how to minimize scars and how to maintain the surgery effect for 5-10 years.

What is the specific surgery for frontal wrinkle removal? 

The frontal wrinkle removal surgery starts from the scalp of the ear and extends the incision to the ear in the opposite direction, aiming to pull up the stretched skin and muscles, and meanwhile to remove the excessive skin. The most important thing in this surgery is that the incisions should be carefully sutured and won't open again, and the scars are supposed to be minimized. 

When wrinkles are deep in the eyebrows, the wrinkled muscles need to be peeled off and cut off. If there is no resectable skin on the forehead, you can just eliminate wrinkles in the longitudinal direction of the eyebrows to make your forehead look refreshing. In this case, a unique endoscopic method can be used to perform the surgery. And this method is also a professional local wrinkle removal surgery that has been studied for many years by the dean of the BIO hospital, Dr. Park, who has a lot of clinical experience.

Do  Forehead Wrinkle Surgery in BIO Plastic Surgery Clinic 

BIO Plastic Surgery Clinic has over 20 years medical experience in wrinkle cosmetic plastic surgery. Dr. Park is the director and one of the most professional anti-aging experts of the Bio Plastic Hospital, and his forehead wrinkle removal surgery has been recognized by many patients and becomes one of the most popular partial wrinkle removal surgeries in the hospital.


Dr. Park reminds that there may be complications after plastic surgery (such as bleeding, infection, scars, etc.), thus we ourselves should be carefully take care of it after the surgery. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at any time for more information!

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 koreatopmedi

2015년 12월 30일 수요일

韩国爱媛美白,提亮面膜 AB面膜 Anyone brilliant whitening mask pack

韩国爱媛美白,提亮面膜  AB面膜
Anyone brilliant whitening mask pack

/ 持有专利 
/ 韩国食品药品安全厅认证


# 经过皮肤刺激安全性测试 

韩国爱媛(koreaAone) 的美白提亮面膜是山参干细胞培养液中提炼研究针对皮肤专业基础护理而定制的。

Niacin Amide 烟酸酰胺 是什么? 它的机能和效果是什么?
食品医药品安全厅公布 烟酸酰胺是机能性美白的原料。 烟酸酰胺 是我们身体重里必不可少的要素,绿色蔬菜和谷类等食品中
而且可以减少蒸发皮肤表层的脂肪和水分, 阻止神经酰胺成分的增加。

而且可以减少蒸发皮肤表层的脂肪和水分 阻止神经酰胺成分的增加



韩国爱媛 AB mask pack (anyaone brilliant mask pack )使用方法
 洗面后抹点精华, 打开包装袋取出面膜以眼睛鼻子为中心贴上。
2) 10~20分钟,试用期间有冰凉的感觉,时间到后取下即可(使用时间可以根据自己皮肤的状态稍微调整)
3) 取下面膜后轻轻涂抹使残留在皮肤上的精华完全吸收
4)周集中管理计划: 一周2~2,连续4周使用的话效果显著。

1.使用注意事项– 使用前一定要看了使用方法和使用注意事项后再使用。
使用中出现红斑, 肿胀,瘙痒, 刺痛等异常情况
2. 有受伤的部位, 湿疹或皮肤癌等部位不能使用.
3. 保管和处理事项
1) 使用前务必保持密闭.
2) 存放在幼儿,小孩触摸不到的地方
3) 不能存放在高位或低温或者阳光直射的地方.
4) 开封后立即使用.
5) 使用过一次后因为卫生问题.请不要再使用。
6) 避开眼睛使用本品.小心进入眼睛。