레이블이 半永久化妆培训。半永久。半永久化妆。韩式半永久。韩国半永久化妆인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 半永久化妆培训。半永久。半永久化妆。韩式半永久。韩国半永久化妆인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2015년 10월 14일 수요일

Gang-nam Semi-permanent makeup Academy has led semipermanent makeup sensation in China

Gang-nam Semi-permanent makeup Academy has led semipermanent  makeup sensation in China

As public concern about natural makeup is increasing, it’s semipermanent makeup that is rising.

Semipermanent makeup is a technique that is a new makeup method developed from tattoo, 

makes natural makeup last for a long time

In case of tattoo, once it is done, it’s not removed for a lifetime and cause it has a shortcoming

 that it remains a unnatural and intense impression from the original color of the first operation, 

the popularity about semipermanent makeup is increasing

Also, it is correctable, and since it can apply new style according to individual’s change of taste

it is in the spotlight more and more, thereby the number of people dreaming of

semipermanent artist who can perform it is also on the rise

Gangnam semipermanent makeup academy is a educational institution

 which help to be-makeup artisits catch on the rechnique of semipermanent makeup method

Through cutting-edge facility and systematic curriculm, it has produced a number of makeup

 artists and there are lots of makeup artists who are already on the field come from Merview

Also,the Artists who come from are expanding their stage not only in Korea but to

International activity of them can be a proof that  academy doesn’t limit their work only

 on artists nurturing but it is also giving help to dimestic beauty industry overall
The international activity of Mere doesn’t stop here, rather much more active

In the 24th Seoul international human Olympic contest, Jo-hyung-uk, Principal of Merview and

 their disciples participated in as a judge

In addition, Gangnam  semipermanent Mere academy is currently in charge of hosting

 supervising and hosting the local china semipermanent contest

And principal Cho took charge of training head leader in semipermanent make up contest held

 in Beijing a while ago

Like this, Gangnam Mere Academy not only focus on human resource nurturing,  there are

many comments that it is contributing to globalization of Korean beauty industry

Pricipal Cho of Gangnam Mere Academy said, “Mere is delivering the superiority of 

domestic beauty industry through aggressive global activity, actually it is practicing international

 activity by succeeding in advancement to china continent”
