2018년 4월 6일 금요일

【CHEONGDAM U BEAUTY MEDICAL CENTER】Gain More Confidence through V-Lifting!

Characteristics of V-Lifting

First, improvement in skin elasticity. In addition to the lifting effects, it also improves the elasticity of saggy and droopy skin.
Second, non-surgical method. It is a simple non-surgical procedure with fast recovery. 
Third, fast recovery. There is almost no marks or scars after the procedure, so there is less inconveniences in everyday life such as shower or make-up. 
Finally, sustainability of lifting. V-line lifting effects appear more as time passes.

CheongdamU' V-lifting surgery process: 

This procedure uses threads with cones, which are inserted into and pulls the skin for lifting effects. Unlike the traditional lifting, the cones fix the thread in place and new cellular tissues fill around the cones, so not only it gives more firm lifting effects but also improves the skin condition.

Recommended for:

  • Saggy skin due to less elasticity
  • Those who want more elasticity on overall face
  • Those who want firm skin
  • Those who are not satisfied with the square jaw Botox

Advantages of CheongdamU  V-Lifting

  1. Skin elasticity improves due to collagen remodeling effects
  2. It is a non-surgical procedure with less risks and no scars
  3. Procedure duration is short and patient can get back to daily life right away.

Please come to Cheongdam U and you will have a grateful changing.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and contact us!

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】 Marionette Lines Removal, Make Your Smile Prettier!

What are the Marionette lines?

Marionette lines are long vertical lines that laterally circumscribe the chin, that is, the uneven lines formed by the contraction or rubbing of the skin around the mouth. They are one of the most common expression lines because the skin tissue at the corners of mouth is the thinnest and finest in the human body, and it need to move at least thousands of times per day. Therefore, the corners of mouth is one of the most troublesome areas for wrinkles.

Why do Marionette lines appear?

Marionette lines can be caused by eating food, speaking, laughing and smoking, etc.When you smoke, you need to pick up your mouth repeatedly, so people who smoke will have more wrinkles around their mouths. In addition, the frequently exaggerated mouth expressions can also lead to the generation of Marionette lines, for which they are also called "expression wrinkles." In a word, the basic cause of Marionette lines is the loss of skin elasticity, so they are an ideal target for Botox treatment, often in addition to injectable fillers.Nowadays,  autologous fat transplantation is widely believed to be a very great approach for Treating Oral Commissures.

BIO Marionette line removal surgery process:

1. Mark the site where fat is needed, and open several small cuts at the navel or pubic hair.
2. In order to reduce bleeding, an appropriate amount of vasoconstrictor anaesthetic mixed with local anaesthetic is injected at where the fat to be taken.
3. Smash the fat with a syringe and save it properly. 
4. Mark and cut a small incision on the edge for fat injecting.
5. Find a space under the wrinkles where fat can be fully filled in.
6. The prepared fat is injected through a thick syringe.
7. Carefully suture the incision site and stabilize the surgical site.

Marionette Lines에 대한 이미지 검색결과

The advantages of BIO autologous fat filling surgery:

Firstly, Autologous fat transplantation uses its own fat particles. Thus, its biological characteristics are far superior to any prosthetic materials. It is non-toxic and harmless to the body, and immune reactions will not happen, either.
Secondly, Autologous fat transplantation does not cause changes in the endocrine environment of the human body, and thus has no adverse effects to the lips;
Finally, Autologous fat particles as filling material are easy to obtain, meaning that the tissue source is rich, and the price will be more affordable than the prosthesis.

The Dean of  BIO plastic hospital reminds that there may be complications (such as bleeding, infections, scars, etc.) after plastic surgery, one must take care of the wounds after the surgery. 

By the way, our BIO plastic hospital moved to a new home in April. Welcome to our new home near Exit 7 of Sinsha Station in Seoul~

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 :koreatopmedi

2949481714  - QQ
1241815262  - QQ
Koreatopmedi -微信

koreaaone1@gmail.com    http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/5470318066

2018년 4월 5일 목요일

【CHEONGDAM U BEAUTY MEDICAL CENTER】The Secret of Being Beautiful No Matter What You Wear!

Losing weight is an eternal topic for women. In fact, having a perfect figure is everyone's dream, but what is called a "dream" is not easy to achieve. Now, in CheongdamU, your dreams to be slim can be easily achieved. The famous surgery-liposuction in CheongdamU can help you to lose your weight, and create a perfect figure~

Procedure method and characteristics

  • Liposuction removes unnecessary fat accumulated in the body.
  • It removes the fat in areas that are hard to shed fat through exercise, such as abdomen, calves, thighs, and arms, and can bring greater result if combined with exercise.
  • Physicians perform body type analysis before and after liposuction for a natural and smooth body contour, and help the completion of body contour through meticulous inspections.

Recommended for:

  • Those with uneven body contour that wish to make it smooth
  • Those who want body type correction in short time
  • Those who want to remove fat in a particular area
  • Those with excessive fat all over the body

Advantages of CheongdamU’s liposuction

  1. Suction area is minimally incised, there is almost no scar.
  2. There is little pain, swelling, and bruises, so recovery is fast.
  3. It reduces the body size and solves uneven skin due to cellulite to create a smooth body contour.
  4. Patient is controlled through real-time monitoring, so the best condition can be maintained after the surgery.
  5. Faster recovery is possible through Cheongdam U’s body care after the surgery.

Summer is coming. Some secrets may not be hidden!
If you are troubled by obesity or just want to have a more slim body,  just come to CheongdamU! You will be more beautiful and full of charm, and gain more confidence of yourself !

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】 Dr. Park was Invited to a Famous TV Program in Thailand!

Dr. Park Dong-man, one of the president of the BIO plastic surgery hospital, is a very well-known anti-aging expert in Korea. 

He was invited to go to Thailand to participate in a famous television program <Dream Come True> this month. Let's take a closer look~

Here is the video shots from the scene.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and contact us!  By the way, our BIO hospital moved in April. The new home is near the exit 7 of Sinsha Station in Seoul. Welcome!

2018년 4월 3일 화요일

【CHEONGDAM U BEAUTY MEDICAL CENTER】 Does Your Nose Lower Your Facial Beauty?

Many people who pursuit facial beauty find that their wide nose is indeed a big discount to their facial harmonious beauty. Therefore, how to make a wide nose wing more exquisite become an urgent demand for them. The dean of Cheongdam U Beauty Medical Center in South Korea, Dr. Dong-jun Yang said that such situations can be easily solved by alar reduction surgery.

Nasal atrophy surgery is a common item in rhinoplasty surgery. Through surgical methods, a personalized alar reduction plan is designed according to the actual growth situation of the person's nose. The personalized surgical plan makes the person's nose more charming with personal characteristics after the surgery. The CheongdamU's excellent nasal atrophy surgery can produce vary natural surgical effect. After the operation, the whole facial image can show more harmonious beauty~

The common standard of nose beauty:

The perfect alar wing width should be less than or equal to the distance between the inner corners of the eyes on both sides. 

Mostly, the thick or wide nose are congenital. The cause of nose hypertrophy (thick nose) lies in thick skin with more subcutaneous tissue and  hypertrophic cartilage, which demonstrates  outward bulging tendency. In addition, if the nose wing is too wide, it will have a large nostril. which makes the nose look very short and wide, leaving the nose with no sense of three-dimensionality.

Surgical methods:

When the nose is low and slightly wide, only rhinoplasty is needed to achieve a natural reduction of the wide nose wing. However, people with apparently wide-nose wings need to make alar reduction to make the entire nose look smaller and appear three-dimensional. The nasal atrophy in
 CheongdamU is to make a small incision in the nasal cavity, through which the extra soft tissues of the nasal wing will be fixed to improve the nasal alar hypertrophy. Steps in details are shown as follows:

 CheongdamU Plastic Surgery Hospital has superb surgical techniques. The nasal lines are natural and smooth after surgery. Besides,  CheongdamU Plastic Surgery Hospital does not advocate "only the nose", because the nose surgery should at the same time consider the harmony of the entire face.

Please come to Cheongdam U and you will have a grateful changing.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and contact us!

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 :koreatopmedi

2949481714  - QQ
1241815262  - QQ
Koreatopmedi -微信

koreaaone1@gmail.com    http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/5470318066

【BIO PLASTIC SURGERY CLINIC】 Stem Cell Cosmetology: "A Biological Revolution of Wrinkle Removal" (I)

In recent years, a technique called Autograft Pluripotent Stem Cell technology (APSC), which uses human body's own skin stem cells for wrinkle removal and scar repairing, has become a hot spot for media reports and public attention. It is described as "being its own beauty with its own cells," and is known broadly as "a biological revolution of wrinkle removal." The ladies who insist on the pursuit of beauty must want to know what is the stem cell cosmetic surgery?  Let's take a closer look in this essay today.

What are the stem cells?

Stem cells are simply cell factories. Like factories producing new items, stem cells produce new cells. In fact, adipose stem cells in subcutaneous adipose tissue contain a larger amount of stem cells compared to blood or bone marrow.

What is Fat Grafting with Stem Cells?

Fat Grafting with Stem Cells refers to a procedure in which stem cells are firstly extracted from fats such as abdomen, thigh or waist where fats are not easily lost, and then are mixed with pure fat, and finally are implanted in the desired body sites. 

Stem cell fat transplantation can increase the effect of transplantation because of the high rate of tissue recombination and survival compared to traditional fat grafting. Nowadays, adipose stem cell transplantation has become more and more widely used to improve wrinkles, skin regeneration, healing wounds, etc.

Traditional fat transplantation vs Stem cell fat transplantation

Compared with traditional fat transplantation,fat grafting from stem cells have at least three advantages, as follows: 
(1) Stem cell fat can increase fat survival in the human body. When stem cell fat is transplanted, stem cells promote the production of fine blood vessel membranes, and also thanks to its regenerative properties, fat absorption can be suppressed and survival rate can be improved.

(2) Stem cell fat transplantation can inhibit calcification of fat transplantation. That is because stem cells can play a role in suppressing the immune response to transplantation, and promote the survival of fat and prevent the occurrence of calcification.

(3) Natural effects: Traditional fat transplantation often injects a large amount of fat, thus the pressure between tissues will increase the speed of fat absorption, which will temporarily produce loose skin or an unnatural appearance. However, fat grafting with stem cells can achieve natural results through small injections.

Which part of your body can extract stem cells or be transplanted sites?

Dean Dong-man Park of BIO Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Hospital told us that in general, stem cells can be extracted from fat-rich body parts such as the abdomen and thighs (see blue dots in the image below). And the body areas that can be treated as transplanted sites include the forehead, nose, cheek, lip, chin, buttock, chest and other parts (see the red point in the following figure) to achieve the beauty effect of weight loss and wrinkle removal.

Stem Cell Cosmetology has become one of the most popular beauty techniques in the beauty industry. We will continue to learn more about this operation next time. 

 If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and contact us!  By the way, our BIO hospital moved in April. The new home is near the exit 7 of Sinsha Station in Seoul. Welcome!

2018년 3월 29일 목요일

【CHEONGDAM U BEAUTY MEDICAL CENTER】Shiny and Flawless Skin Begins in CDU--Skin Scaling​!

In modern society, busy work and high pressure allow a lot of ladies' faces dark and lackluster. Many beauty-conscious ladies must often do some skin care procedures at home, such as applying masks, sanding, rubbing different skin care products, etc. 

Although it is totally right to do the maintenance of your skin, but do you have a clear understanding of the nature of your own skin? Do you know what kind of skin care products that you should use? Do you know what method can best give adequate skin-nourishing tonic to your skin? Please come to CheongdamU, and we can answer your questions one by one and provide you with the most effective service~

Today, we will introduce you a unique skin-maintenance method that only provided by CheongdamU - Skin Scaling!

Skin Scaling is a dermabrasion treatment that removes sebum and dirt from dead skin cells and pores on the outermost layer of the skin, and at the meantime cleans pores to improve the skin's ability to regenerate. Specifically, it will use Glycolic acid to gently remove dead skin cells remaining on the skin's outermost stratum corneum, which allows the smooth release of sebum. Meanwhile, the lifespan of keratinocytes is restored to a normal cycle (the normal growth cycle of keratinocytes from generation to shedding is 28 days). 

The treatment time of Skin Scaling is about 60 minutes, and the symptom that appear after treatment is only slight pain in the treatment area. Besides, there is almost no recovery time, which allows you to recover immediately. CheongdamU's professional team recommends that this treatment can be performed about 5-10 times every two weeks with better results. If you have facial skin problems, like dark faces, uneven skin, etc, the Skin Scaling method is right your choice!

Hope this essay can give a clearer understanding of facial skin care knowledge! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

koreaaone1@gmail.com / 微信 :koreatopmedi